Pleasanton Daycare Activities
Garden Creek Daycare and Preschool
Childcare for the Dublin and Pleasanton Area
At Garden Creek Day Care & Preschool in Pleasanton, we offer days packed full of activities. All of our activities help the social and academic development of children. Kids learn best when they are having fun! We tailor our lessons to each child’s unique learning style. Our kids enjoy the hands-on activities that Garden Creek Day Care & Preschool provides daily! Our activities include: ▪ Language Development: books, music, story time, flannel board stories, alphabet/letter awareness, pre-reading skills ▪ Math Development: number awareness, patterns, puzzles ▪ Science Awareness: exposure to California State Science Standards at the kindergarten level ▪ Large Muscle Skills: balls, bean bags, outdoor play ▪ Fine Motor Skills: arts and crafts, stringing beads, pegboards, blocks ▪ Creative Expression: dramatic play, dance, puppets, music and instruments Play is a major component of Garden Creek Day Care’s program. Children will be able to actively explore the world around them. Children will have an opportunity to use a variety of art materials, supplies and fun tools to help them learn to be social and fun at school and at home. We also will go outdoors to enjoy the sun when the weather permits. Rest or nap time will be around 1 pm every day. Come and book an appointment to see our facilities in Pleasanton! |